Exclamation Point Explained – Two Point Museum Guide

Image Credit: Two Point Studios, Two Point Museum

In Two Point Museum, the blue hexagon with a yellow exclamation point is a warning icon that appears when an exhibit has an issue preventing it from working properly. This usually means that something is blocking access, preventing visitors or staff from interacting with it.

If this warning appears, guests may ignore the exhibit, which reduces its Buzz and Knowledge contribution, ultimately lowering your museum’s success. Here’s a simple guide on how to deal with it.

Common Causes of the Exclamation Point

  • Obstructed Access

    • The most common reason for the warning is that a nearby object is blocking visitor access.

    • Check for rocks, plants, donation bins, benches, or other decorations placed too close.

  • Too Close to a Wall or Another Exhibit

    • If an exhibit is placed too close to a wall or another large object, it might not have enough space for guests to interact.

    • Try moving it forward or adjusting its position to ensure enough clearance.

  • Pathing Issues

    • If a path is too narrow or an exhibit is blocking foot traffic, visitors may struggle to reach it.

    • Make sure there’s a clear walking space in front of the exhibit.

  • Staff Interaction Needed

    • Some exhibits require staff maintenance or interactions, and if a staff member can’t reach them, the warning appears.

    • Ensure that staff have a clear path to the exhibit and are assigned to the correct work zone.

  • Incorrect Placement in Themed Areas

    • Some themed areas require specific placement rules, and an exhibit might not be fully functional if placed incorrectly.

How to Fix the Exclamation Point Warning

  • Move Nearby Objects – Shift decorations, donation boxes, or furniture a little further away.

  • Reposition the Exhibit – Try rotating or moving it slightly to open up space.

  • Check Guest Movement – If guests aren’t interacting with it, something might be in the way.

  • Look for Wall Placement Issues – Some exhibits need more clearance from walls.

  • Confirm Staff Access – If the exhibit needs maintenance, make sure staff can reach it and are assigned to the right job.

Final Blurb

The exclamation mark is a helpful indicator that something is preventing an exhibit from working as intended. Ignoring it can lead to lower guest satisfaction, fewer donations, and reduced Buzz. Adjust your layout, clear space, and check visitor movement to ensure everything runs smoothly.

Recommended • View all Two Point Museum

Andrew Bame

Andrew has spent over five years writing about video games and is the primary contributor/editor for GamerBlurb. With a background in creative writing and past experience in the industry, he’s mastered the art of turning hours of gaming into something that sounds like work. When he’s not writing he’s either getting distracted by various sidequests or occasionally pretending he’s good at League of Legends (#iron).


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