FragPunk All Shard Cards Complete List
Image Credits: Bad Guitar Studio, FragPunk
Fragpunk’s Shard Cards change the game every round, adding everything from exploding bullets to super speed, giant heads, and zombie respawns. With over 160 options, things can get chaotic fast.
Table of Contents:
Combat Modifiers
Vampire Bullet – Bullets heal you based on the damage dealt (Standard, Ranked)
Skill Vampire – Skills heal you based on the damage dealt (Standard, Ranked)
Quick Reload – Reload speed is drastically faster (Standard, Ranked)
Plenty of Ammo – Magazine size and total ammo are increased (Standard, Ranked)
Explosive Shot – Bullets explode on impact (Standard, Ranked)
Freeze Bullet – Slows enemies significantly on hit (Standard, Ranked)
Eagle Eyes – Exposes enemies in your line of sight (Standard, Ranked)
Clone Tech – Teammates can pick the same Lancer (Standard, Ranked)
Ricochet – Bullets bounce off surfaces (Standard, Ranked)
Vampire Night – Grants extra health and lifesteal on bullets (Standard, Ranked)
Bullet Upgrade – Enhances Blaster, Flasher, Smoker, and Burner weapons (Standard, Ranked)
Super Jump – Jumps are higher and knock down nearby enemies when landing (Standard, Ranked)
Mobility and Speed
Mass Cheetah – Increases movement speed (Standard, Ranked)
Swift Support – Teleport to a teammate (Standard, Ranked)
Emergency Evacuation – Gain bonus speed when under attack (Standard, Ranked)
Superfly – Gain a double jump ability (Standard, Ranked)
Sprint Fire – Hipfire while sprinting without stopping (Standard, Ranked)
Birdman – Fall slower when aiming down sights (Standard, Ranked)
Health and Defense
Health Club – Max HP is increased (Standard, Ranked)
Maximum Overhealth – Gain extra max HP through healing (Standard, Ranked)
Medical Error – Enemies can’t heal (Standard, Ranked)
Regenerative Therapy – Slowly regain health after avoiding damage (Standard, Ranked)
Barrier Destruction – Breakable barriers in the prep phase (Standard, Ranked)
Squat Master – Crouching increases max HP (Standard)
Band-Aid Solution – Recover a small amount of HP when injured (Standard)
Prosthetic Enhancements – Allied limbs become bulletproof (Standard)
Utility Cards
Security Check – Doors expose enemies and make noise when opened (Standard, Ranked)
Offense Defense – Swap Attackers and Defenders (Standard, Ranked)
Site Deletion – Randomly removes a Target Site (Standard, Ranked)
Freestyle Placement – Attackers can plant the Converter anywhere (Standard)
Throw to Plant – Throwing the Converter plants it instantly on impact (Standard, Ranked)
Turtleback – Gain a turtle shield on your back that blocks bullets (Standard, Ranked)
Life Saver – Teammates can be revived once via Soul Cores (Standard, Ranked)
Traps and Environmental
Black Hole Traps – Traps generate black holes when triggered (Standard, Ranked)
Mini Traps – Reduces enemy trap range (Standard, Ranked)
Toxic Traps – Allies each receive a Toxic Trap (Standard, Ranked)
Origin Detection – Exposes the owner of a destroyed enemy gadget (Standard, Ranked)
Psychic Defusing – The Converter begins auto-defusing when defenders are nearby (Standard, Ranked)
IP Theft – Destroying an enemy trap creates an identical allied trap (Standard, Ranked)
Weird and Wacky
Big Heads – Enemies’ heads are bigger (Standard, Ranked)
Small Heads – Allies’ heads are smaller (Standard, Ranked)
King of Eggs – Crouch for 10 seconds to lay an egg that heals 50 HP (Standard, Ranked)
HUD Remix – Swap your health bar with a target Lancer (Standard, Ranked)
Whetstone – Melee hits restore health (Standard, Ranked)
Stand Up Straight – Enemies cannot crouch or slide (Standard, Ranked)
Frozen Wasteland – Turns the map into an icy arena where players slide (Standard, Ranked)
Let Them Hear You – Gain movement speed when using voice chat (Standard, Ranked)
Infernal Hounds – Each ally gains a fiery hound that follows and explodes on enemies (Standard, Ranked)
Final Blurb
Fragpunk’s Shard Cards are what make every match unpredictable and chaotic. Whether you want bullets that explode, lightning-fast movement, or zombie respawns, there’s a card for that.
With over 160 options, no two rounds will ever feel the same.