How to Choose and Change Your Class in ATLYSS

Image Credit: Kiseff, ATLYSS

In ATLYSS your character starts as a Novice. When you reach level 10, you can choose a permanent class: Fighter, Mystic, or Bandit. Here's how to change your class:

  1. Reach Level 10: Play the game until your character reaches level 10.

  2. Talk to a Guardian:

    • Fighter Class: Speak with Enok.

    • Mystic Class: Speak with Angela.

    • Bandit Class: Speak with Sally.

  3. Receive a Class Tome: The Guardian will give you a Class Tome for your chosen class.

  4. Use the Class Tome: Open your inventory and use the Class Tome to change your class.

IMPORTANT: Once you choose a class, you cannot change it later. If you want to try a different class you'll need to create a new character.



ATLYSS Class Guide: Which Should You Choose?


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