Ransom Quest Guide and Walkthrough | KCD2


Image Credits: Warhorse Studios, Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 (KCD2)

The Ransom side quest in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 (KCD2) is one of those classic medieval "negotiations" that quickly spiral into bloodshed. Jan of Suchotlesky needs you to rescue his brother Peter, who is supposedly being held captive in Sigismund’s camp. Things, of course, are not that simple. Here’s a simple quest guide.

How to Start the Ransom Quest

  • Travel near Danemark in the southeast corner of Kuttenberg.

  • A group of Cumans will ambush a cart—fight them off.

  • After the battle, you’ll find Jan of Suchotlesky injured nearby.

  • Heal him up, and he’ll ask you to negotiate for his brother’s release.

Step 1: Find Peter in Sigismund’s Camp

  • Head to Sigismund’s Camp, northeast of Suchdol.

  • You can try talking to:

    • Father Bohumil (Chaplain) – He gives vague directions.

    • Musa (Healer) – Good for lore, but same info as the chaplain.

    • Milada (Bathhouse Owner) – Another source of the same information.

  • Eventually, you’ll find a prisoner in a tent—not Peter, but a guy who’s really hungry.

  • Give him some food, and he’ll reveal that Peter is already dead.

Step 2: Find Peter’s Body

  • Go to the marked location near the bathhouse.

  • Look for a cart with a body on it.

  • Be careful—it’s a restricted area, so sneaking is recommended.

Step 3: Confront Laszlo Farkas

  • Laszlo is in a red tent northeast of the camp.

  • You have two choices:

    1. Pretend you don’t know Peter is dead and arrange an exchange.

    2. Confront Laszlo about it—he’ll admit it, but still insists on the meeting.

Step 4: Return to Jan and Prepare for Battle

  • Jan is waiting at an inn west of Kourimska Gate.

  • Tell him about Peter’s fate—he won’t take it well.

  • He wants revenge, and you can either:

    • Help him gather reinforcements (optional).

    • Go in with just Jan (not recommended unless you like being outnumbered).

Step 5: The Final Battle – Choose Jan or Laszlo

When you meet Laszlo, you must pick a side:

1. Side with Jan (Harder Fight)

  • You’ll fight Laszlo and his Cumans (about 7 enemies).

  • If you didn’t bring allies, Jan gets knocked out immediately, leaving you alone.

  • Strategy: Keep moving, keep enemies in front of you, and focus on one at a time.

2. Side with Laszlo (Easier Fight)

  • You’ll kill Jan, which is extremely easy since he’s not wearing armor.

  • No large battle, just a quick betrayal and a payout.

Step 6: Claim Your Reward

  • If you sided with Jan:

    • You get Peter’s sword and some Groschen.

    • Don’t loot anything else from the cart—Jan won’t be happy.

  • If you sided with Laszlo:

    • You get Peter’s sword and armor, plus around 500 Groschen from looting Jan.

Final Blurb

The moral of the story? Negotiations in Bohemia never go well. Whether you play hero or sell out for cash, this quest will leave a body count. Choose wisely!

Andrew Bame

Andrew has spent over five years writing about video games and is the primary contributor/editor for GamerBlurb. With a background in creative writing and past experience in the industry, he’s mastered the art of turning hours of gaming into something that sounds like work. When he’s not writing he’s either getting distracted by various sidequests or occasionally pretending he’s good at League of Legends (#iron).


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