What is SSF in Path of Exile 2?

Image Credit: Grinding Gear Games, Path of Exile 2 (POE2)

Solo Self-Found (SSF) is a game mode in Path of Exile 2 where players cannot trade, party, or interact with other players in any way. This mode is designed for those who prefer a completely self-sufficient experience, relying only on what they find or craft themselves.

Here’s a guide explaining what SSF is and how it works.

How Does SSF Work?

When creating a new character, you can enable the SSF option by checking a box on the character selection screen. This can only be done after rescuing the Scion in Act 3.

Restrictions in SSF Mode

  • No Trading – You cannot trade with other players.

  • No Partying – You cannot group up with others.

  • Separate League & Ladder – SSF characters have their own progression and rankings.

  • Limited Stash Access – You can only use your own stash, guild stash is disabled.

  • Shared Progression – Masters, Atlas progress, and Ascendancy trials are shared only among your SSF characters.

  • Permanent Transfer – If you remove SSF from a character, it cannot be reversed, and it will be moved to the non-SSF parent league.

Why Play SSF?

SSF is a challenge mode that rewards self-reliance and knowledge of game mechanics. It is a great way to:

  • Improve your skills in farming, crafting, and boss mechanics.

  • Experience the game without trading economy influence.

  • Make every drop feel more rewarding.

  • Focus purely on progression without player interactions.

Strategies for SSF Success

1. Build for Self-Sufficiency

  • Use skills that scale with level, not gear (spells are usually a safe choice).

  • Prioritize life-based builds over energy shield builds, as life is easier to sustain.

  • Take resistance passives to compensate for weaker gear.

  • Avoid builds that rely on rare unique items since farming them can take a long time.

2. Crafting and Gear Management

  • Use crafting early to improve resistance and stats.

  • Save useful gear and skill gems for future characters in your stash.

  • Use divination cards to target farm key items.

  • Essences can help create decent gear quickly.

3. Smart Currency Use

  • Be cautious with Vaal Orbs or other irreversible currency.

  • Save high-value crafting materials for key upgrades.

Can You Remove SSF Mode?

Yes, you can convert an SSF character to a regular league character at any time. However, once you do this:

  • You cannot go back to SSF with that character.

  • Your SSF ladder progress stops, but your highest level remains recorded.

If you enjoy the extra challenge, SSF is a great way to experience Path of Exile 2 in its purest form, where every item, drop, and crafted upgrade feels more rewarding.

Andrew Bame

Andrew has spent over five years writing about video games and is the primary contributor/editor for GamerBlurb. With a background in creative writing and past experience in the industry, he’s mastered the art of turning hours of gaming into something that sounds like work. When he’s not writing he’s either getting distracted by various sidequests or occasionally pretending he’s good at League of Legends (#iron).


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