Diplomacy is Not an Option How to Get Gold
Image Credit: Door 407, Diplomacy is Not an Option
In Diplomacy is Not an Option, Gold is needed to unlock powerful units and upgrades. Here's how to get Gold:
Upgrade to Town Hall II:
Upgrade your Town Hall to Level II to access the Market.
Build a Market:
After upgrading, construct a Market building. This facility allow you to trade surplus resources for Gold.
Trade Resources for Gold:
Open the Market interface to view current exchange rates for resources.
Select resources you have in abundance, such as Wood, Stone, or Iron.
Initiate trades to convert these resources into Gold.
Explore the Map for Carts:
Send units to scout the map and locate abandoned carts.
These carts can contain various resources, including Gold.
Collecting from these carts provides an additional source of income.
Iron usually trades well for a high amount of Gold, relatively speaking.