FragPunk Guns Tier List: Best Secondary Weapons Ranked


Image Credits: Bad Guitar Studio, FragPunk

Secondary weapons in FragPunk can give you extra utility, high burst damage, or a reliable fallback when your primary isn’t available. Some are essential every round, while others are more situational.

Here’s how all secondary weapons rank in FragPunk as of March 2025 (Season 0).

S-Tier – The best secondaries with the most utility.

Blaster / Flasher / Smoker / Burner – These utility pistols double as grenade launchers, making them the most versatile secondaries in FragPunk. Each one provides a unique effect, offering more than just damage.

  • Blaster – Fires a mini grenade for extra explosive damage.

  • Flasher – Shoots a flashbang, blinding enemies.

  • Smoker – Launches a smoke grenade for cover.

  • Burner – Fires an incendiary grenade, dealing damage over time.

These weapons provide both offense and defense, making them the best secondary choice in most situations.

A-Tier – Strong secondaries that fit different playstyles.

Vicious – A Deagle-style pistol with high damage but a slow fire rate. While it doesn’t one-shot headshot, it still packs a punch. What makes it unique is that spamming shots doesn’t cause much recoil, making it a great option for precision players.

Cure-All – A balanced semi-auto pistol that works well at all ranges. It’s reliable, accurate, and a great fallback weapon if you don’t need extra utility from the S-Tier choices.

B-Tier – Situational choices.

Read More: FragPunk Best Primary Weapons

Cold Shoulder – The only fully automatic secondary, but it struggles with low damage per shot. It can be useful in close-range fights, but it’s outclassed by better options in most cases.

Final Blurb

If you want the best all-around secondaries, the Blaster, Flasher, Smoker, and Burner pistols are your top choice. If you need pure damage, go for Vicious, while Cure-All is great for a well-rounded playstyle. Cold Shoulder has its moments but is hard to justify over better options. Pick wisely, because your secondary can save a round when your primary isn't enough.

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Andrew Bame

Andrew has spent over five years writing about video games and is the primary contributor/editor for GamerBlurb. With a background in creative writing and past experience in the industry, he’s mastered the art of turning hours of gaming into something that sounds like work. When he’s not writing he’s either getting distracted by various sidequests or occasionally pretending he’s good at League of Legends (#iron).


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