Guide: How to Get Iron Ore in Foundation

Image Credit: Polymorph Games, Foundation

At some point, your village is going to need Iron Ore—whether for tools, weapons, or just proving your town isn’t stuck in the Stone Age. But you can’t just dig a hole and hope for the best. Here’s how to actually get some iron in Foundation.

Step 1: Unlock the Iron Mine

You can’t mine iron right away. First, you need:

  • At least 20 Commoners in your village. (Yes, iron mining is exclusive for fancier peasants.)

  • A Bailiff—because only they have the mystical ability to prospect for resources.

Step 2: Prospect for Iron

Your Bailiff needs to scout out where the iron is hiding.

  • Send the Bailiff on a Prospecting Mission (this option appears once you have one).

  • Wait for them to discover an Iron Deposit.

  • If it’s inside your territory, congratulations! If not, you’ll need to expand your land.

Step 3: Build an Iron Mine

Once iron is discovered within your boundaries, you can finally start mining.

  • Click on the iron deposit and place an Iron Mine directly on it.

  • It costs Planks (10) and Tools (20) to build, so have those ready.

  • Assign villagers as Miners to start extracting iron ore.

Final Blurb

Iron Ore doesn’t just appear—you have to unlock it, find it, and then mine it. But once you do, you’ll have access to better tools, weapons, and other essentials to keep your village growing. Just don’t forget to actually assign miners, or your fancy iron mine will sit there collecting dust.

Andrew Bame

Andrew has spent over five years writing about video games and is the primary contributor/editor for GamerBlurb. With a background in creative writing and past experience in the industry, he’s mastered the art of turning hours of gaming into something that sounds like work. When he’s not writing he’s either getting distracted by various sidequests or occasionally pretending he’s good at League of Legends (#iron).


Guide: How to Unlock Trade Routes in Foundation


Guide: How to Promote Villagers and Get Commoners in Foundation