Windblown How to Change Difficulty

Image Credit: Motion Twin, Windblown

In Windblown, adjusting the game's difficulty involves completing specific in-game milestones. Here's how to change the difficulty:

  1. Complete the Game on Current Difficulty:

    • Finish a full run on your current difficulty level. This unlocks the next difficulty tier.

  2. Access the Difficulty Selection:

    • After completing a run, return to the Ark (the hub area).

    • Near the cannon, locate a small whiteboard. Interact with it to select your desired difficulty level.

  3. Difficulty Levels:

    • There are five difficulty levels: Clear Sky, Cloudy, Stormy, Tempestuous, and Cataclysmic.

    • Each level increases enemy health and damage while also affecting loot among other things.

Note: All players in a multiplayer lobby must have unlocked the difficulty to select it.

More Windblown

Andrew Bame

Andrew has spent over five years writing about video games and is the primary contributor/editor for GamerBlurb. With a background in creative writing and past experience in the industry, he’s mastered the art of turning hours of gaming into something that sounds like work. When he’s not writing he’s either getting distracted by various sidequests or occasionally pretending he’s good at League of Legends (#iron).


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