Endemic Life Guide | Monster Hunter Wilds

Image Credit: CAPCOM Co., Ltd., Monster Hunter Wilds

Endemic Life in Monster Hunter Wilds refers to the smaller creatures found throughout the game’s various environments. Unlike large monsters, these animals, insects, and aquatic species aren’t hostile and can be captured, collected, or fished. Some have useful effects when interacted with, while others are simply part of the world’s ecosystem.

How to Capture Endemic Life

To capture endemic life, you’ll need a Capture Net. Here’s how to use it:

  1. Equip the Capture Net from your Item Bar.

  2. Hold L2 (PS) / LT (Xbox) to aim.

  3. Press R1 (PS) / RB (Xbox) to lock onto a creature.

  4. Fire with R2 (PS) / RT (Xbox) to capture it.

Once captured, the creature is automatically sent to the Expedition Command tent at the Windward Plains Base Camp, where you can observe it up close.

Where to See Your Captured Creatures

  • Your collected Endemic Life can be found at the Windward Plains Base Camp.

  • Every time you enter camp, a random creature from your collection will appear.

  • This allows you to see and interact with different species as they cycle through.

Rare Endemic Life & How to Find Them

Rare endemic creatures are harder to find and typically appear under specific conditions, such as:

  • Time of day (Some only appear at night).

  • Seasonal changes (Weather or biome shifts).

  • Remote locations (Hidden caves, high-altitude areas).

If you’re searching for rare creatures, make sure to explore thoroughly and check in at different times of day.

Using the Ghillie Mantle for Captures

Some creatures flee when approached, making them harder to capture. To counter this, you can use the Ghillie Mantle, which helps you:

  • Stay hidden from alert creatures.

  • Sneak up without scaring them off.

  • Get closer before using the Capture Net.

The Ghillie Mantle has a cooldown period, so use it wisely when tracking down rare species.

Final Blurb

Endemic Life adds depth and realism to Monster Hunter Wilds, making exploration more rewarding. Whether you're capturing creatures for research, observation, or just for fun, knowing where and how to find them will make your hunts even more immersive.

Recommended • View all Monster Hunter Wilds

Andrew Bame

Andrew has spent over five years writing about video games and is the primary contributor/editor for GamerBlurb. With a background in creative writing and past experience in the industry, he’s mastered the art of turning hours of gaming into something that sounds like work. When he’s not writing he’s either getting distracted by various sidequests or occasionally pretending he’s good at League of Legends (#iron).


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