How to Get a Chocobo in Final Fantasy XIV

Image Credit: Square Enix, Final Fantasy XIV (FFXIV)

Getting a chocobo in Final Fantasy XIV is a big moment! It’s your first mount, and it also helps you travel faster. Here’s a simple guide to getting your chocobo.

1. Join a Grand Company

First, you need to join a Grand Company. This happens around Level 20 in the main story quest (MSQ). You’ll get to pick one of three Grand Companies:

  • Maelstrom (Limsa Lominsa)

  • Order of the Twin Adder (Gridania)

  • Immortal Flames (Ul’dah)

2. Get a Chocobo Issuance

After you join a Grand Company, keep doing the MSQ until you unlock the quest “My Little Chocobo.” This quest tells you to buy a Chocobo Issuance from your Grand Company for 200 Company Seals.

3. Earn 200 Company Seals

You’ll need 200 seals to buy the Chocobo Issuance. Here’s how you can earn them quickly:

  • Complete FATEs near your level.

  • Do Grand Company Hunting Log entries.

  • Turn in items for Supply and Provision Missions.

You should have 200 seals in no time!

4. Buy the Chocobo Issuance

Go to your Grand Company’s Quartermaster (the vendor that sells items). Purchase the Chocobo Issuance for 200 seals.

5. Talk to the Chocobokeep

Once you have the Chocobo Issuance, the quest will guide you to a Chocobokeep. This NPC is usually near the main city for your Grand Company:

  • Limsa Lominsa: Near Maelstrom HQ

  • Gridania: Near Twin Adder HQ

  • Ul’dah: Near Immortal Flames HQ

The Chocobokeep will register your chocobo and give it to you.

6. Name Your Chocobo

After the Chocobokeep gives you your chocobo, you get to name it. Pick something fun or meaningful because this chocobo will be with you for a long time!

Bonus: Use Your Chocobo as a Companion

Later in the game, you can use your chocobo in battles as a companion. This happens when you unlock the “My Feisty Little Chocobo” quest at Level 30 in South Shroud.

That’s it! Now you have your chocobo, your trusty steed, ready to take you on adventures across Eorzea.


Andrew Bame

Andrew has spent over five years writing about video games and is the primary contributor/editor for GamerBlurb. With a background in creative writing and past experience in the industry, he’s mastered the art of turning hours of gaming into something that sounds like work. When he’s not writing he’s either getting distracted by various sidequests or occasionally pretending he’s good at League of Legends (#iron).


How to Join a Grand Company in Final Fantasy XIV


How to Get Seals Fast in Final Fantasy XIV