R.E.P.O. Game Controls Guide
Image Credit: semiwork, R.E.P.O.
Learning the controls in R.E.P.O. is the difference between making money and getting caught by the Taxman. Here’s a simple breakdown of how to move, grab, and interact with the world.
W / A / S / D – Move forward, left, back, and right.
Spacebar – Jump. Sometimes useful, mostly just fun.
Control (Toggle or Hold) – Crouch. Helps with stealth, turns off your flashlight automatically.
Shift (Toggle or Hold) – Sprint. Burns stamina fast, but worth upgrading early.
Q – Tumble. Think of it as "falling with style."
Grabbing and Handling Items
Left-Click – Grab items. Some can be used with E, others need careful handling.
Right-Click – Rotate held items.
Mouse Scroll (Up) – Push items, carts, or valuables away.
Mouse Scroll (Down) – Pull items, carts, or valuables toward you.
Other Actions
Tab – Open map. Shows items, entrances, and exits.
E – Interact with objects, use items, or activate upgrades.
1 / 2 / 3 – Assign or equip items to inventory slots.
T – Chat. Complain about taxes with teammates.
Enter – Confirm selections.
Escape – Open menu or back out of selections.
Right-Click (While Spectating) – Switch to the next player’s view if you die.
Left-Click (While Spectating) – Switch to the previous player’s view.
V – Push-to-Talk. Can be disabled in settings if you prefer to suffer in silence.
Final Blurb
If you plan on surviving R.E.P.O., learn the controls early. Running into walls while holding valuables is a good way to lose money fast, and stamina management is key. Now get out there and start collecting—or running for your life.