R.E.P.O. Monsters List and Guide

Image Credits: semiwork, R.E.P.O.

The monsters in R.E.P.O. are not here to make your life easier. Some will chase you down, others will just mess with your vision, and a few are simply there to ruin your day in creative ways. If you want to survive, you need to know what you’re up against. Here’s a simple guide to all the monsters we know so far and what you should do when you run into them.

Note: You can click each monster name to jump straight to that monster/section, or just keep scrolling down!


  1. Apex Predator

  2. Chef (Tumbler)

  3. Peeper (Eye)

  4. Robe

  5. Clown

  6. Gnome

  7. Headman (Floating Head)

  8. Huntsman

  9. Mentalist

  10. Animal

  11. Reaper

  12. Shadow Child

  13. Spewer

  14. Hidden

  15. Trudge

  16. Upscream

  17. Bowtie

  18. Rugrat

  19. Banger

Apex Predator (Duck)

  • What It Does: Follows players, harmless until picked up—then it transforms into a fast, flying attacker.

  • Tips: If you must get rid of it, lure it under an extraction piston for an easy $3,000.

Chef (Tumbler)

  • What It Does: Slow until spotting a player, then jumps and attacks wildly with cleavers.

  • Tips: If it misses the first attack, it ragdolls for a moment—use that time to escape or attack.

Peeper (Eye)

  • What It Does: Ceiling-mounted eye. Locks your crosshair and deals damage if you stare too long.

  • Tips: Break line of sight quickly. Move backward or duck behind cover.


  • What It Does: Moves erratically. If looked at, becomes aggressive and fast.

  • Tips: Avoid eye contact. If it starts chasing, take multiple turns and hide.


  • What It Does: Loud footsteps. Charges a laser beam that sweeps the area. If it can’t use the laser, it kicks instead.

  • Tips: Hide behind solid cover when it laughs. Crouching under the beam works, but only if timed correctly. Attack after it finishes the laser attack, as it will be briefly stunned.


  • What It Does: Swarms in groups, attacks scrap instead of players.

  • Tips: Weak—pick them up and slam them into the ground. Can be thrown at enemies for extra damage.

Headman (Floating Head)

  • What It Does: Floats, sensitive to flashlights. Attacks if light is shined on it.

  • Tips: Avoid using a flashlight near it. If fighting, use melee weapons with reach, like a sledgehammer.


  • What It Does: Blind but heavily armed with a shotgun. Shoots at any sound.

  • Tips: Stay silent. If needed, throw objects to distract it before moving. Never engage directly.


  • What It Does: Floats around, lifts players into the air, then slams them down for massive damage.

  • Tips: Low health, easy to kill with melee. Always have someone nearby to pull you away if caught.


  • What It Does: Fast, erratic, but harmless. Slow attack, only deals 2 damage.

  • Tips: If you pick it up, it runs faster. If multiple players grab it, it freezes for a few seconds before spinning away.


  • What It Does: Loud footsteps, poor eyesight but strong melee attacks. Detects gravity beams.

  • Tips: If seen, run around a corner and hide—its memory is terrible. Attacking it is risky, as it can knock items from your hands.

Shadow Child

  • What It Does Teleports randomly, causes screen darkening, then yoinks players backward, dealing 30 damage.

  • Tips: Annoying but not too dangerous. Avoid staring at it for too long.


  • What It Does: Flies around. Sometimes chases players and latches on, causing them to vomit acidic liquid.

  • Tips: Shake it off by grabbing and releasing it. The vomit damages other enemies—use it strategically.


  • What It Does: Nearly invisible, only noticeable by black smoke and footprints. Teleports players back to the truck if touched.

  • Tips: Hard to track or avoid. Stay aware of its presence and be cautious in open spaces.


  • What It Does: Slow but deadly. Uses a shockwave pull before an instant-kill attack with its neck.

  • Tips: Stay out of sight. Landmines work well, but fighting it is generally a bad idea.


  • What It Does: Moves along floors, walls, and ceilings. Screams when attacking, flinging players backward and stunning them.

  • Tips: Alone, they’re weak. In groups, they can stun-lock you. Use melee attacks to deal with them quickly.


  • What It DoeS: Slow-moving, screams when it spots a player. The scream prevents sprinting or jumping and can cause damage if you’re pushed into a wall.

  • Tips: Can’t move while screaming. Use a tranq gun or melee attacks to take them down easily.


  • What It Does: Steals valuable items and throws them at players.

  • Tips: Can be killed by smashing them against walls or floors, but they require multiple people to lift.


  • What It Does: Spawns in groups of three, slowly roams until spotting a player. Explodes when damaged or after a few seconds.

  • Tips: Pick them up and throw them at enemies. Listen for their fuse sounds to know when they’re about to detonate.

Final Tips

  • If it’s slow, it’s usually avoidable.

  • If it sees you, run. Doors and furniture can save your life.

  • Never trust the duck.

Now you know what lurks in R.E.P.O.—so try not to get yourself repossessed.

Andrew Bame

Andrew has spent over five years writing about video games and is the primary contributor/editor for GamerBlurb. With a background in creative writing and past experience in the industry, he’s mastered the art of turning hours of gaming into something that sounds like work. When he’s not writing he’s either getting distracted by various sidequests or occasionally pretending he’s good at League of Legends (#iron).


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