R.E.P.O. Game Mods List Guide and What They Do

Image Credit: semiwork, R.E.P.O.

Before you do anything, you need BepInEx, the modding framework that makes everything work. If you skip this step, none of your mods will function, and you’ll just be staring at your screen in disappointment. Read on to read about the list of mods currently available and what they do, as well as where to get them.

Note: If you’re not familiar with modding you may want to do some research yourself before attempting to get mods installed.

Installing BepInEx

  1. Go to the BepInEx Thunderstore page.

  2. Click “Manual Download” and save the file.

  3. Open the .zip file.

  4. Find the “BepInExPack” folder.

  5. Extract everything into R.E.P.O.’s game directory. (To find it, right-click the game in Steam, hover over Manage, and select Browse Local Files.)

Once that’s done, you’re ready for mods. Now, let’s talk about what’s available.

Tool Mods – Stuff That Just Makes Life Easier

  • BepInExPack – The required framework. Without it, nothing else works. Install this first.

  • GaleModManager – A lightweight mod manager to keep everything organized. If you like installing mods without accidentally breaking your game, this is for you.

  • REPO ServerList – Adds a server list so you can actually find lobbies instead of relying on matchmaking and luck.

  • REPO Translator – A simple translation tool. If you don’t speak the game’s default language and don’t trust Google Translate, this helps.

  • REPO FPSCounter – A customizable FPS counter, because some people need to know if their game is running at exactly 144 frames per second.

Gameplay Mods – More Fun, More Chaos

  • CartDuplicator – Spawns you with multiple carts instead of one. Perfect for players who believe hoarding is a skill.

  • MorePlayers – Lets you increase or decrease the max player count. Want a 10-person looting squad? Go for it. Want to suffer alone? That works too.

  • TakeyValuables – Adds two new valuables to the game, with more coming. Because making money is always the priority.

  • SpicyMugs – Everything is uranium now. Your morning coffee just became a biohazard.

Challenge Mods – For Players Who Think R.E.P.O. Is Too Easy

  • Glass Cannon – All valuables break if you so much as breathe on them, but they’re worth more. You can either carry them like a fragile baby or intentionally break them for extra cash. Choose wisely.

  • WayTooFast – Makes you way too fast. Sounds fun until you’re sprinting straight into disaster with no control.

  • GodMode – The opposite of a challenge. You’re invincible. Nothing can stop you. Where’s the fun in that?

Quality of Life Mods – Small Tweaks, Big Difference

  • KeepMyFlashlight – Your flashlight never turns off. Because getting lost in the dark is only fun for so long.

  • MoreStamina – Reduces stamina drain for a more realistic experience. No more gasping for air after a light jog.

  • InfiniteStamina – Stamina? What stamina? Run forever and never get tired.

  • FreecamSpectate – Lets you fly around while spectating, which means you can hover over your teammates and judge their every mistake in real time.

Where to Find and Download the Mods

You can browse through all of the available mods on Thunderstore.

Final Blurb

Right now, R.E.P.O. only has a small amount of mods, but the list will continue to grow. Soon, we’ll see even wilder additions—maybe zero-gravity looting, teleporting enemies, or a mode where everything explodes on impact. If you want to mod your game, install BepInEx now so you’re ready for whatever madness the community comes up with next.

Andrew Bame

Andrew has spent over five years writing about video games and is the primary contributor/editor for GamerBlurb. With a background in creative writing and past experience in the industry, he’s mastered the art of turning hours of gaming into something that sounds like work. When he’s not writing he’s either getting distracted by various sidequests or occasionally pretending he’s good at League of Legends (#iron).


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